Slavery and Reconstruction

Records from USGenWeb

(East) Carroll Parish Plantations and Slave Owners

  • Sankofagen – Listing of Plantations and Plantation Owners in the Parish
  • If you know the name of the slaveholder, but need documentation to verify ownership of your ancestor, you’ll have to use microfilm or records onsite at the East Carroll Parish Clerk of Court.  For information on what’s available, please see Genealogy Research in East Carroll Parish

Selected Records From M1905, Lake Providence Field Office Freedmens Bureau Records, National Archives and Records Administration

These records are key to tracing one’s ancestors immediately following the Civl War and during Reconstruction.  Contracts and agreements were established between former slaveowners or landowners and former slaves to ensure that the former slaves or freedman were paid for their work.  Sometimes the freedman stayed at the plantation that they were enslaved on, other times they worked for other former owners or new land owners in the area. Other records include letters and correspondence, applications for rations, lists of indigent people, and more.  Indexes do not exist for most of the rolls of microfilm in this collection and the lists below are not all inclusive of what is on each roll.  For more on the Freedman’s Bureau, please visit the National Archives website.

  • M1905, Roll 33
    Registers and Payrolls of Freedmen Employed on Plantations, Assumption and Carroll ParishesUnbound registers and payrolls of freedmen employed on plantations, 1864–68, are arranged alphabetically by parish. The registers give the names, ages, sex, and class of the laborer; names of former owners; and former residences of freedmen. The payrolls give similar information except that they include the freedmen’s monthly wages, the number of days worked, amount of money received, and signatures or “X.” 1866 – Carroll Parish, LA (Listing of plantations and owners during the year 1866; some 1867)
  • M1905, Roll 42 Labor Contracts (Agreements with Freedmen),  Caldwell and Carroll Parishes
    Unbound labor contracts (“agreements with freedmen”), 1864–68, are arranged alphabetically by parish.  1866-1868 – Carroll Parish, LA
  • M1905, Roll 81 The  four  volumes of letters sent, February 1866–December 1868, 1 (310), 2 (311), 3 (312), and 4 (313), are arranged chronologically, and each volume has a name index. The last letters in volume 1 (310) are duplicated in volume 2 (311).Volume 1 (310) Feb. 1866–Apr. 1867
    Volume 2 (311) Jan. 1867–Sept. 1867
    Volume 3 (312) Sept. 1867–Apr. 1868
    Volume 4 (313) Apr. –Dec. 1868

    Letters and Orders Received from the Assistant Commissioner and His Staff

    The three volumes of letters and orders received from the Assistant Commissioner and his staff, January 1866–December 1868, 1 (305), 2 (307), and 3 (309), are arranged chronologically and each volume has a name index.

    Volume 1 (305) Jan.–Dec. 1866
    Volume 2 (307) Jan.1867–June 1868
    Volume 3 (309) June–Dec. 1868

  • M1905, Roll 82 Land Reports, Unbound land reports, February–September 1866, are arranged chronologically. Feb.–Sept. 1866Monthly Reports of Destitutes, Unbound monthly reports of destitutes, May 1867–July 1868, are arranged chronologically.  May 1867–July 1868

    Records Relating to Court Cases, Unbound records relating to court cases, February 1866–March 1867, are arranged by type of record. Included are complaints, affidavits, trials, powers of attorney, paroles, and leases.  Feb. 1866–Mar. 1867

  • M1905, Roll 83 Unbound indentures, March 1866–May 1868, are arranged chronologically.  Mar. 1866–May 1868Applications for Rations, Unbound applications for rations, March 1867–July 1868, are arranged chronologically.  Mar. 1867–July 1868